Tan Care
Schedule all spa services at least 48 hours prior to your tan appointment. This includes manis/pedis, waxing, and messages.
This will ensure the oils and products they use have had time to wash off of your skin.
Shower, shave and exfoliate 4-24 hours prior to your appointment. Use a gel-based body wash - NO DOVE!
Showering and shaving too close to your tan appointment can negatively alter the way your skin processes the solution.
Do not use retinol products the week leading up to your tan.
Come to your appointment with your skin free of all products. This includes jewelry, lotions, deodorant, make-up, oils and perfumes.
Sunburn policy: If you come to your appointment with a fresh burn, I will sadly have to reschedule your appointment. I will not spray tan any client with a sunburn, this is non negotiable.
You will need to wait 4 weeks after a peeling burn to get a spray tan. Failure to do so, will result in a very uneven/splotchy tan.
What to do the day of your tan.
Make sure you have followed the pre tan instructions. (see above)
You will want to wear dark, loose baggy clothing and open-toe sandals to your appointment as well as after your appointment while your tan is developing. Avoid tight fitting clothing, bras, leggings, socks and tennis shoes.
Please note that the bronzer in the spray tan solution may transfer to your items but is water soluble and should wash out.
If it is raining bring that umbrella and wear some boots so we can keep your tan looking flawless.
3. Please arrive to your appointment on time. I am located insidie Pearl Street Commons at 215 S. Pearl St. Trenton. You can park next to the building or across the street.
Do not get wet or sweat while your tan is developing. Avoid working out, swimming, lotions, oils, liquid foundations/makeup, deodorant and showering before your designated rinse time. If you have pets do not let them lick you.
Avoid palm to skin contact while your tan is developing. If you touch your skin while your tan is still developing this could result in stained palms.
If you are sleeping while your tan is developing (before your first rinse), wear sweats and a loose long sleeve baggy top so there is no skin to skin contact.
When it is time for that first shower, a lukewarm water only rinse is recommended. Try to keep the shower short. You can lightly wash pits/privates with soap but keep the soap very minimal and stay away from Dove and Olay. No loofas or washcloths. Pat dry with your towel.
If you do not rinse at your designated time, your tan may develop too light or too dark.
If you see streaks after getting out of the shower, hop back in and LIGHTLY use your hand to guide the leftover bronzer off.
The more moisturized your skin is the longer your tan will last. You can apply moisturizer after your shower just make sure it is free of oil. Hempz is a great moisturizer!!
Tips for a longer lasting tan:
A gel based body wash is recommended for a longer lasting tan. Stay away from Dove or Olay.
Taking short showers and moisturizing daily with a natural lotion (HEMPZ is my favorite). Stay away from lotions that have mineral oil and high amounts of fragrance. Those ingredients will melt your tan right off.
Understand that shaving can strip the tan, so minimal pressure with a new razor is recommended.
These activities can strip your spray tan faster: Chlorine, salt water, long hot showers/baths, saunas and excessive sweating.
The more hydrated you are the longer your tan will last. Drink lots of water in addition to applying moisturizers mentioned above!
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I want to make sure you are prepped and ready to care for your tan properly to ensure you get the best results.